Effective Facebook Ad Campaign Strategies

facebook ads

Since Facebook Ads are the backbone of many lead generation and sales funnels these days, it’s important for your startup or business to learn how to create a successful Facebook Ads campaign. 


This post is not just a list of strategies and tactics that you can use; it’s also a compilation of the best Facebook Ads case studies and resources.


Campaign Strategy #1: Create Multiple Campaigns

Campaign Strategy #2: Use the Facebook Pixel

Campaign Strategy #3: Customize Your Audiences

Campaign Strategy #4: Use Clear, Compelling Headlines

Campaign Strategy #5: Add a Call-To-Action Button

Campaign Strategy #6: Don’t Forget a Lead Form

Campaign Strategy #7: Use High Quality, Relevant Images, and Video

Campaign Strategy #8: Get Your Ads Approved Quickly

Campaign Strategy #9: Test Your Ads Regularly

Campaign Strategy #10 Split up Ad Sets by Age, Gender, or Location


Facebook ad campaigns require a significant amount of planning.


Facebook Ads can be a hugely valuable marketing strategy for your business. With over two billion active users on Facebook, your audience is already there, and you just have to reach them (and convince them to become customers).


Check out our list of the top 10 most effective Facebook Ad Campaign Strategies:


  1. Specific campaigns for different steps in the buying process
  2. Tailor your targeting to each campaign
  3. Combine multiple ad formats
  4. Use video ads
  5. A/B test your creative’s
  6. Make sure your ads match your landing pages
  7. Keep an eye on your metrics
  8. Re-engage people who abandoned their carts
  9. Use Facebook pixel for remarketing ads
  10. Give exclusive offers to loyal customers



Facebook ads are getting more and more effective, as well as complicated, so it’s important to have a strategy. By following these steps listed above, you’ll be sure to get the most bangs for your buck when you run your next campaign. And remember, the better your ad works the more money you will make.